Speaking events

“A boss has a title, a leader has the people”

- Simon Sinek

An experienced public speaker, podcast guest & workshop facilitator

With 3 years in private practice, and 15 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, Sarah has experience with podcasting, public speaking, delivering keynote addresses, and delivering workshops to groups of all sizes such as private schools, government organizations, and public groups.

Below are some examples of talks Sarah is currently offering, but topics and content will be tailored to the group. Please contact us for further details and to begin designing a presentation that fits your team.


  • How to support mental health and prevent burnout for greater productivity.

    It is more important than ever for leaders and managers to attune to their employees and teams so they can monitor workload, prevent and identify symptoms of burnout, and identify where support is needed. Employee wellness programs have been showing to decrease errors, sick time and turnover, while simultaneously increasing morale, retention, productivity and profitability.

  • Supporting organizational efficiencies.

    We are becoming increasingly aware of the prevalence of ADHD and executive functioning disorders in our society. Many individuals are patiently waiting for a diagnosis and support, while trying to navigate challenges in the office and at home. Understanding the brain’s self management system, tips for organization and motivation, as well as routines to support the brain and body are key to healthy and productive individuals and workplaces.

  • How to unpack your emotional backpack while still doing your job.

    The core of everything we do is in how we communicate with those around us. What we see upfront is how someone’s intentions are converted into action. What we don’t see is all the stressors going on behind the scenes (what they are carrying in their pack). When we approach conversations with compassion, we can move forward with a deeper understanding and more effective approach.

  • Topics and content may be tailored to the needs of your group. Some possible examples include:

    • Stress management

    • Mindfulness

    • Nervous system regulation

    • etc.

    Please contact me for further details and to begin designing a presentation that fits your team.