Sarah Lambert | RTC

Counsellors in Victoria, BC - Therapists you can relate to.

Sarah Lambert

Therapist, life coach, hype woman. 🌟

Clients frequently share with me how nice it is to work with someone relatable, so here’s the tea about how I got here:

I grew up in a home in which I felt my value and ability to be loved was tied to my accomplishments. If I came home with an A on a report card, I would be asked why it wasn’t an A+. My well-meaning parents wanted to see me succeed, but the little girl in me connected my ability to be loved with praise.

I grew into an adult that struggled with perfectionism and people pleasing. I would either beat myself up if I didn’t get it *PERFECT* the first time, or not try new things at all. I made choices based on what other people would think of me, and frequently abandoned my own needs.

Outsourcing my self worth had significant impacts on the way I showed up in my relationships (hello anxious attachment) and it is through deep exploration of my own values that I’ve been able to free myself from living out other people’s version of me. Now I love helping clients to do the same!

Flash forward to my early twenties, when my little sister was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Looking for ways to better support her, I found the Family Connections program, where I started learning life changing skills like validation, active listening, healthy selfishness, and mindfulness.

These skills significantly improved my relationship with my sister, as well as how I was showing up in the world, and how I handle stress and anxiety. I firmly believe that these therapeutic tools can help to make every day life a little smoother for everyone.

Then 2020 hit. Like a ton of freaking bricks.

Trigger warning: suicide

The weight of the world was too much and my sister couldn’t cope anymore. After years of fighting for MAID, she took her own life. My family was shattered and I was thrown into the deepest grief I have ever experienced.

After the initial shock subsided, I found that the coping skills I'd developed helped me navigate the darkness from a much more resilient place.

And so it is my greatest pleasure to share the tools with the world that helped me through the most difficult time of my life, and I think everyday about making my sister proud while doing it.

What clients are saying

Sarah is a very relatable, patient & empathic person who communicates with compassion and clarity. I appreciate the safe space she is able to create, and I’m challenged in a positive way to further facilitate self exploration & self awareness.
— S. B.
Her approach of mindfulness and self compassion helped me not only see myself in a different light, but also allowed me to incorporate those same practices into my own personal life.
— M. E.
I began working with Sarah about 6 months ago primarily to help navigate a recent ADHD diagnosis but as time went on I realized how valuable it was for me to see her regularly regarding all areas of my life! I would recommend Sarah to any of my friends of family looking for a counsellor!
— J. W.


  • Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, ACCT

  • Diploma of Professional Counselling, VCCT

  • Certificate for Intimacy in Relationships, VCCT

  • ADHD Certified Clinical Services Provider, PESI

  • Certified CBT Provider, Udemy

  • Bachelor of Kinesiology, UBC


I am a member in good standing with The Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists (ACCT) and I am bound by their rules and code of ethics.